Enforcing the use of routes in CFWheels

If you really like routing (you’d find that really funny if you’re Australian) and want to enforce their use in all linkTo(), urlFor() and startFormTag() function calls.. Do as I do..

Put the function below into your /controllers/Controller.cfc

<!--- /controllers/Controller.cfc --->
<cffunction name="urlFor" access="public" output="false" hint="ensure routes are used for all urls">
    <cfif ! StructKeyExists(arguments, "noroute") && ! ( (StructKeyExists(url, "controller") && url.controller == "wheels") || StructKeyExists(arguments, "url") )>
      <cfif ! (StructKeyExists(arguments, "route") && Len(arguments.route) gt 0)>
        <cfthrow message="Please use a route rather than an action.. Thanks!">
    <cfreturn core.urlFor(argumentCollection=arguments)>

This overrides, the core urlFor() method, checking for the existence of a route argument.. UNLESS, the controller is “wheels” which probably means you’re using the test framework or managing a plugin. There is also a way to bypass the route nazi.. by using the noroute=true arguments.

Happy routing.. Teehee!

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